10:54 AM


Sri Lanka has a rich archaeological landscape. Many of its ancient structures are preserved and still standing to this day. The place named Anuradhapura is one such place.

Anuradhapura is one of the ancient capitals of Sri Lanka and contains ruins of structures used by ancient Sri Lankan civilization. The ruins are well preserved which is why the place is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Anuradhapura is a very good example of a place that illustrates the cultural heritage of ancient Sri Lankans, as well as a place filled with structures that illustrates the kind of architecture they used during those times.

Anuradhapura was the capital of Sri Lanka from the 4th century BC to the beginning of the 11th century BC. The city is sacred to those practicing Buddhism, which is why the place is surrounded by monasteries.

The ruins of the once great city are majestic to behold. Three types of buildings can be found in the city. The first type is the dagobas. These structures are bell-shaped stone buildings that have circumferences that range from a few feet up to more than 1100 feet. The second type of structure is called monastic buildings. These structures can be found throughout the city and they are in the form of raised platforms, stone pillars and foundations. The third type is called pokunas, which are tanks used for bathing or storing drinking water.

During its time, the inhabitants enjoyed the use of its complex irrigation system. Tanks were used to store water and irrigate the land allowing the people to have water even though the city is situated in the dry area of Sri Lanka. One can see evidence of this through the surviving water tanks in the city.

Anuradhapura is rich in history and culture. This is a fascinating place for people interested in historical monuments.


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